Who we are

Nice to meet you
In the early 2000s we were confronted for the first time with the difficulties that people sometimes experience when wearing and putting on items of clothing. As occupational therapists in a rehabilitation centre, we noticed every day how difficult it can be for people with a physical disability to wear or put on clothing. Putting on and closing a jacket, for example, is quite a job for someone with fine motor impairments. Or think of the wheelchair user with a bare back and shorts that are too short. In 2016 we combined our many years of experience as occupational therapists towards the production of fashionable items of clothing. This is how So Yes, a clothing brand for people with a physical disability or age-related difficulties, was born. Right now, wheelchair trousers, wheelchair skirts, jackets with magnetic zippers and trousers with an elastic carry the So Yes label.
Be sure to contact us! We are happy to help.
Jessie Provoost and Sofie Ternest
Be sure to contact us! We are happy to help.
Jessie Provoost and Sofie Ternest
Our mission is to provide maximum support to people so they can be independent.