Rain poncho
Practical rain poncho for wheelchair or scooter use.
Adaptive trendy clothing
for young and old
With So Yes we want to be a brand of innovative clothing that gives people a helping hand. With a few clever adjustments, clothing often makes people suddenly feel more comfortable, or even able to change clothes completely on their own. It is our conviction that clever adaptations and fashion are perfectly compatible. Our collection therefore reflects the fashion trends of the season. Next to our own So Yes designs we also search the market for clothing that supports the mission of So Yes. This way we also offer clothing from top brands like Tommy Adaptive, Billy Footwear, Chiba gloves, MOS by Alicia De Groot, Belieff, Rollimoden, …
Who doesn't like to go through life fashionably dressed? This is obvious to many, but for people with a physical disability or with a year more on the clock, it can be a big challenge. It's our mission to develop special fashion for people who usually have very limited supply. So Yes stands for clothing for wheelchair users such as people with spinal cord injury, tetraplegia, but also for people with multiple sclerosis, hemiplegia, Parkinson's disease, rheumatism and the elderly. Pants with long zippers on the side, wheelchair skirts that you can open completely, jackets with a magnetic zipper or trousers with a strong elastic: nothing is too innovative to achieve our mission. Because everyone has the right to feel good.
Smart clothing for maximum comfort
Comfortable style advice from experienced occupational therapists
Honest, sustainable clothing designed in house